Saturday, 17 March 2012

Don't drink the water-Part 3

And here is the third and last part of the elements needed to play "Don't drink the water" with Maptool.

You can download the maps, tokens and portraits here.

That one was a little more difficult to make because the village was more extensive than the parts needed for the first parts.
I made a few changes to the fort (not much) because I tought it made more sense tactically, and the houses are made separately, to be placed on the desert background.

From the description of the uniforms in the scenario, it seemed that the unit in the fort was the Contreguerilla from Colonel Dupin but with lances. I prefered to use line lancers (if only because I have other plans to use Dupin).

Smitework made an adaptation of the scenario to play with Fantasy Grounds. I don't know if it can use my maps or if it comes with its own, because, being on a Mac I can't use Fantasy Grounds. Anyway, if you are interested, you can find it here.

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