This summer, I did spend my vacations at home and I was searching for a worthy endeavour beyond fixing the house.
I had discovered a wonderful program called Wonderdraft that let you make gorgeous RPG maps. I decided to have a try at it.
As I needed an idea about what to map, I decided to make a map of the world of Legend, the setting of the Dragon Warriors rules (pay what you want on Drivethru RPG).
The rules are really good, and simple, and I have used them several times in the past, but mostly, the setting and atmosphere are really gripping.
As the setting was published separated from the rules and is almost rules agnostic, I decided that it would be the perfect place to have a try with a Sword of Cepheus or MSPE in fantasy experiment. Or, using the french version of the map, play some scenarios with the Coureurs d'Orages rules, to which I have taken a liking recently (for french rules, the narrativist drivel to be stripped off is really minimal, just one paragraph in the whole book)
I also decided that I would make myself all the ressources needed for the map. Why make things simply?
To make a long story short, here is the result:
The full sized map (in english and in french) can be found here:
But, why stop there? So, I had the map printed on fabric, by Geekify. The result was everything I had expected. The only problem being that I can not give it as a prop to my players, because we have not been able to have in person games for almost a year.
If you would like to print the map. Here are the files at double resolution for print quality.
Finally, I tried to share the ressources I made for the map on a dedicated site called Cartography Assets.
But..... I had to abandon the idea. You know, I expected a place to drop the files with, maybe, an image of the map to show the results. And I did found myself with several pages to fill (without much explanations), which would make your IRS returns look like a piece of cake... so, well, no sharing...
Anyway, I hope the map shall prove useful and fun...