Saturday, 19 December 2020

Hero Forge for Virtual Tabletops

I have begun to use Heroforge to make portraits, tokens and virtual miniatures (2d and 3d), I think it is going to be quite useful for my Tabletop Simulator games, but beware, making figures with the HeroForge site can become addictive very fast...

Here is a character that I am using in my MSPE games on Tabletop Simulator


By simply going to the HeroForge site, you can make a 3D representation of the character and export a screenshot, like this..


With a free account, you can save your characters and then make more or modify them later... with different versions


With a subscription (4$ a month), you can export 2D front and back that can be turned into 2D miniatures in TTS.


And also export topdown tokens...

or isometric tokens (that can be used with Roll20 or Maptool in addition to Tabletop Simulator...)


Finally, at the price of 8$ for a miniature, you can download it in Unity 3D format, which can be used directly in Tabletop Simulator..


With the price of 3D figures, I'll probably limit myself to PCs or important NPCs, but for 2D figures, isometric figures and tokens, I'll certainly use a lot... 

I'll also probably buy 3D figures for skirmish games, though, whilst extensive the parts useful for historical figures are still limited. 

But then, new parts appear regularly and we can hope that the designers take a look at history (after all, for exemple, uniform parts from the ACW can be used with the western figures; those from WW1 and WW2 with pulps ones; those from ECW with swashbuckling ones, and those from Middle Ages and Antiquity with fantasy figures).

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